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Welcome to Black Coffey Publishing

A specialist digital publisher that ensures your work reaches the largest possible audience. We’re passionate about great storytelling and are actively looking for high quality, entertaining and compelling short stories to include within ebook publications. If you believe you have a talent for purposeful prose, want your creations to be read by the ever expanding digital audience and want to get paid for your writing, why not submit your story today?

Get Published, Get Read, Get Paid

You’ve put in the hard work writing, now let us make sure that you get read with a simple and flexible publishing system. Its fast and easy to submit your manuscript, we’ll review it quickly and then inform you if and when it will be published. We pay on a per word basis and only need the digital rights, leaving you with the print, television and radio rights so you have complete freedom in the future.

Your Stories, Read by Thousands

We’re looking for sophisticated fiction set in real world situations. Tales from all walks of life and across a range of genres including comedy, drama and action. Of course, we wouldn’t expect you to submit your stories without understanding how and why you would want to publish with us, So please take the time to explore, find out how it works and what we’re looking for.